Section: New Results

Spontaneous Wireless Networks and Internet of Things

internet of things; wireless sensor networks; dissemination; resource management

Platform Design for the Internet of Things

Participants : Emmanuel Baccelli, Cedric Adjih, Oliver Hahm, Matthias Waehlisch, Thomas Schmidt, Hauke Petersen.

Within this activity, we have further developed the platforms we champion for the Internet of Things: the open source operating system RIOT and open-access IoT-lab testbeds. RIOT now aggregates open source contributions from 120+ people (and counting) from all over the world, coming both from academia and from industry, and received financial backing from top companies including Cisco and Google in 2015. Revisiting concepts from the early Internet, we have designed and introduced a new software architecture that fits the (memory, CPU, energy) constraints of low-end IoT devices, while being full-featured and easily extensible, thus more future-proof that state of the art. This work was published in ACM MobiSys'15 (IoT-Sys workshop), and released as open source code, integrated in the latest version of RIOT 2015-12. We have also designed a distributed test framework which supports advanced continuous integration techniques, allows for the integration of project contributors to volunteer hardware and software resources to the test system, and can function as a permanent distributed plugtest for network interoperability testing. This work was published in ACM MobiSys'15 (IoT-Sys workshop). Concerning IoT-lab, we have contributed to the completion of the design and the roll-out of IoT-lab testbeds in multiple sites in France and started deploying an additional one in Berlin. Description of completed work and design was published in IEEE IoT-WF'15.

Standards for Spontaneous Wireless Networks

Participant : Emmanuel Baccelli.

Within this activity, we have contributed to new network protocol standards for spontaneous wireless networking, applied to ad hoc networks and the Internet of Things. In particular, collaborating with Fraunhofer, we have published Directional Airtime Metric (DAT), a new wireless metric standard targeting wireless mesh networks. The standard is in the RFC editor's queue (which means the corresponding IETF standard, an RFC, will be published within weeks). Furthermore, collaborating with ARM and Sigma Designs, we published RFC 7733, which provides guidance in the configuration and use of protocols from the RPL protocol suite to implement the features required for control in building and home environments. In collaboration with various industrial partners, with have also published a number of other Internet drafts, including an analysis of the characteristics of multi-hop ad hoc wireless communication between interfaces in the context of IP networks, and an analysis of the challenges of information-centric networking in the Internet of Things.